Trademark Management System

Our Trademark Management System is the leading tool on the market for the management of trademark portfolios. Smart programming and a logical interface provide for easy and accurate deadline management, data entry, searching, and reporting. Downloaded trademark office data increases data reliability and expands your trademark portfolio, including automatically adding official trademark logos to your CPI records.

With unlimited user IDs and flexible permissions, users can seamlessly provide tailored access to business units, legal staff, clients, and trademark agents. The mobile responsive cloud-based software includes unlimited training and support by experienced CPI personnel at no additional charge.

Seamless Delivery of Trademark Office Data

Our new solution delivers trademark office data, images, and documents directly into your corresponding trademark record in CPI. The software provides an effortless comparison of user-entered data against public trademark office data, ensuring your database remains accurate, current, and complete. 

Quick & easy transfer of official trademark office data and images directly into your trademark system

Automatic compare of your bibliographic data against trademark office records​

Electronic update of missing data in your system with trademark office data​

Simultaneous electronic transfer of data from trademark office sites to trademark administrators and attorneys​

Automatic Deadline Calculation

A reliable system is more than accurate and complete data. A stable system with accurate deadline calculation and flexible reporting tools is also necessary. Our deadlines are calculated automatically based on the prosecution dates for each trademark, country, and type of filing. The system is programmed with the required and up-to-date deadlines in each country. Users may also program their own automated deadlines and reminders. Docketing staff and attorneys can view their own upcoming actions in real-time by accessing their CPI Quick Docket from any computer, smartphone, or tablet. Our innovative solution reduces data entry and increases safety by automatically delivering trademark office data, actions, and images to your CPI system.

Trademark Search Request System

Decision Management tool to electronically manage the submission of new trademark requests and search progress. The module includes a user configurable questionnaire, automated, tailored Workflows, and integration with CPI’s Trademark Management System.

Trademark Renewal Management

Centralize handling of your renewal deadlines. Send decision makers reminders of upcoming renewals with login access to the Renewal Portal. Decision makers review detailed records with direct weblinks to trademark offices, then will provide instructions for main users to process and close actions in batch.

Comprehensive Searching & Reporting

CPI’s user-friendly design allows users to efficiently view and evaluate trademark data. Users can quickly generate reports or find data by simply searching on any field or combination of fields in CPI. Various report formats and export options are available, including the ability to export and manipulate logos/images in Excel. Users may also design reports to their exact specifications and save criteria on standard reports for faster generation. Schedule daily, weekly, and monthly Docket and Portfolio reports to be sent out automatically. Recipients and criteria are pre-defined for each scheduled report.

Electronic Workflow & Document Management

CPI’s trademark system provides the necessary tools to electronically communicate with all parties involved in your trademark process. Users can effortlessly set up various tasks/events and automatically inform responsible parties of upcoming items. Actions can be defined to provide a sequence of connected steps. Trigger events can be set up in whole or part allowing seamless task transfer from one responsible person to another.

The software provides the ability to upload documents, emails, and images in an organized manner. Electronic correspondence and documents can be auto-populated through CPI’s Quick Email and Letter Generation modules. Documents and emails sent to your attorneys, clients, divisions, or other entities and recorded by the system for easy retrieval.

New Data Import & Export Functions

Our Portfolio Onboarding module is especially valuable when processing new client intakes or recently acquired cases. It reduces labor costs and resources by allowing users to quickly and electronically upload bulk data sets into their CPI trademark system. Once the data is imported, the software automatically cross-checks your records against trademark office data to ensure your records are accurate and complete.

Users can also seamlessly export data sets into Excel files as needed, or access data on a regular basis via the system’s built-in API.

Contact Us

We at CPI are committed to providing continuous, prompt, and high-level personalized service to our clients. Contact us today so that we can address your needs. For product information or training/support requests, please contact your local CPI representative or use the Contact Form below.


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